Authorisation object for company code in sap
Description > Authorisation object for company code in sap
Last updated
Description > Authorisation object for company code in sap
Last updated
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We recommend setting this parameter to log all clients in your productive system. The server that you designate to maintain the central log collects the messages from the other application servers and writes these messages to the central log. So just run a trace like she advised, to determine exactly what Function Groups are required. It must be specified for each table, whether a commercial object contains only one single case or several multiple case records.
Now your object class is ready. The results could be unauthorized information access, information disclosure, unauthorized data modification or data loss. I just wanted to ask if there were any security implications to this.
SAP authorisation object with company code Authorization Objects - All data and documents must be assigned to the relevant transactions. Composite Role: Consists of any number of single roles Generated authorization profile: Is generated in role administration from the role data.
I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300. I don't want you to tell me the object name because i will face the same problem in future, I want to know how to go about finding for object comlany />Kerry -----Original Message----- Hi all Lets say I know an authorisation field e. I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300. I don't want you to tell me the object name because i will face the same problem in future, I want to know how to go authorisatino finding wuthorisation object name. This will then code out all the objects authorisafion the field appears. I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300.