Authorisation object for company code in sap

Description > Authorisation object for company code in sap

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I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300. I don't want you to tell me the object name because i will face the same problem in future, I want to know how to go about finding for object comlany />Kerry -----Original Message----- Hi all Lets say I know an authorisation field e. I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300. I don't want you to tell me the object name because i will face the same problem in future, I want to know how to go authorisatino finding wuthorisation object name. This will then code out all the objects authorisafion the field appears. I am asking because I am faced with a challenge of a user who needs access to company code 3300.

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